Friday, April 8, 2011

Conflict Management: Definition, Characteristics, Sources, Impacts and Strategies to Overcome Conflict

According Nardjana (1994) Conflict is the result of situations where the desire or the will of a different or opposite from one another, so that one or both interrupted each other.

According Killman and Thomas (1978), conflict is a condition of the occurrence of discrepancies between the values or goals to be achieved, both within individuals and in relationship to others. Conditions that have been put forward that can interfere with even hamper the achievement of emotion or stress that affect the efficiency and productivity of work (Wijono, 1993, P.4)

According to Wood, Walace, Zeffane, Schermerhorn, Hunt, and Osborn (1998:580), which referred to the conflict (in the scope of the organization) are: Conflict
is a situation the which two or more people disagree over issues of organizational substance and / or emotional antagonism Some experience with one another.
more or less means that the conflict is a situation where two or more people disagree on an issue involving the interests of the organization and / or by the onset of feelings of hostility to one another.

According to Stoner Conflict organizations are included disagreements about the allocation of scarce resources or peselisihan about the purpose, status, values, perceptions, or personality. (Wahyudi, 2006:17)

Daniel Webster defines conflict as:
1. Competition or conflict between the parties that do not match each other.
2. Circumstances or behavior which contradicts (Pickering, 2001).

Conflict Characteristics:

According Wijono (1993: 37) The characteristics of conflict are:
1. There are at least two parties are individuals or groups involved in a conflicting interaction.
2. At least no contradiction arises between the two parties are individuals or groups in achieving its objectives, role and ambigius or existence values or norms which contradict each other.
3. The emergence of interaction that is often characterized by behavioral symptoms that are planned to cancel each other out, subtract, and pressing against the other party in order to obtain benefits such as: the status, position, responsibility, compliance with a variety of physical needs: clothing, food, materials and welfare or certain benefits: cars, houses, bonuses, or socio-psychological needs such as: a sense of security, confidence, love, respect and self-actualization.
4. The emergence of action vis-a-vis each other as a result of protracted conflict.
5. The emergence of imbalances resulting from the business of each party related to the position, social status, rank, class, authority, power, pride, prestige and so forth.

Stages-Stages of development towards the occurrence of Conflict:
1. Conflict is still hidden (latent)
Various kinds of emotional conditions perceived as common and are not questioned as the thing that bothers him.
2. The conflict that preceded (antecedent condition)
Phase change from what is felt to be hidden which is not interrupt her, group or organization as a whole, such as the emergence of goals and different values, different roles and so forth.
3. Conflicts that can be observed (perceived conflicts) and conflicts that can be felt (felt conflict)
It comes as a result of antecedent conditions that are not resolved.
4. Conflict seen as manifested in behavior (manifest behavior)
Efforts to anticipate the emergence of conflict and the causes and consequences thereof; individuals, groups or organizations tend to perform various self-defense mechanism through behavior.
5. Settlement of conflict or pressure
At this stage, there are two actions that need to be taken against a conflict, ie conflict resolution strategies or vice versa even suppressed.
6. Due to conflict resolution
If the conflict resolved effectively with the right strategy, it can give satisfaction and positive impact for all parties. Conversely if not, then it could have a negative impact on both sides and it affects the work documented productivity. (Wijono, 1993, 38-41).

Sources of Conflict:

1. Inner Conflict Individual (Intraindividual Conflict)
A. Conflicts related to the goals to be achieved (goal conflict)
According Wijono (1993, pp.7-15), there are three types of conflicts relating to the goals to be achieved (goal conflict), namely:
1) Approach-approach conflict, where people are encouraged to make positive approach to two problems or more, but the goals are achieved apart from each other.
2) Approach-Avoidance Conflict, where people are encouraged to approach the problems that refers to the one tujuandan at the same time encouraged to do against these problems and aims to contain positive and negative value for people experiencing conflict.
3) Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict, where people are encouraged to avoid two or more negative things but the goals are achieved apart from each other.
In this case, approach-approach conflict is a type of conflict that has the smallest risk and easy to overcome, and consequently not so fatal.

B. Conflicts related to the role and ambigius
Inside the organization, conflicts often occur because of differences in roles and ambigius in the duties and responsibilities towards the attitudes, values and expectations that have been established in an organization.
Filley and House provide conclusions on the results of investigation of the literature regarding the role of conflict in organizations, which are carried through the indications are influenced by four main variables, namely:
1) Having a sense of role conflict.
2) Accept the conditions and situations when a conflict arises that can create pressures on the job.
3) Having the ability to tolerate stress.
4) Strengthen the attitude / personal characteristics more resilient in the face of conflicts that arise within the organization (Wijono, 1993, p.15).

Stevenin (2000, pp.132-133), there are several factors that underlie the emergence of interpersonal conflict in organizations such as the:
1. Solving the problem is simple. The focus is on solving problems and its people are not getting major attention.
2. Adjustments / compromises. Both parties are willing to give and receive, but not always directly focused on the real problem.
Beware emotional problems that have never submitted to the manager. Sometimes the two sides still not satisfied.
3. Not agreed. The level of conflict is marked by a contentious opinion. Taking the attitude of keeping his distance. As a manager, managers need to utilize and demonstrate the healthy aspects of disagreement without letting the divisions within the group.
4. Lose / win. This is a disagreement that accompanied a very strong competitive attitude. At this level, often the opinions and ideas of others is less appreciated. Some of them will perform a variety of ways to win the battle.
5. The fight / flight. This is a conflict "mysterious shooter." The people involved each shot from close range and then retreat to save themselves. When anger explode, emotions also controls common sense. The people at odds with each other.
6. Stubborn. This is the mentality of "my way or not at all".
The only saving grace in this conflict is because usually it still refers to logical thinking. Nevertheless, there is no compromise so there is no settlement.
7. Disclaimers. This is one of the most difficult type of conflict be overcome because there is no communication in an open and frank. Conflict simply buried. Conflicts that can not be disclosed is the conflict that can not be resolved.

Impact of Conflict
Conflict can be positive and the negative impact that the details are as follows:
1. Positive Impact of Conflict
According Wijono (1993:3), when the effort of handling and managing the employee conflicts are performed efficiently and effectively the positive impact will come through dinampakkan behavior by employees as a potential human resources with various effect such as:
1. The increasing order and discipline in using time to work, like almost never an employee is absent for no apparent reason, entered and left work on time, during business hours of each employee to use time effectively, work to increase both quantity and quality.
2. Increased productive collaborative relationship. This is evident from the way the division of tasks and responsibilities in accordance with their respective job analysis.
3. Increased motivation to perform work in a healthy competition between individuals or between groups within the organization, as seen in efforts to improve work performance, responsibility, dedication, loyalty, honesty, initiative and creativity.
4. The more reduced pressures, the intrigues that can create stress and even increasing productivity. This is because employees gain feelings of security, confidence, appreciation in the success of his work or even be able to develop his career and his potential optimally.
5. Number of employees who can pursue a career in accordance with their potential through educational services (education), training (training) and counseling (counseling) in cognitive, affective and psychomotor. All this could make the organizational goals were achieved and labor productivity increased employee well-being finally secured.

2. Negative Impact of Conflict
The negative impact of conflict (Wijono, 1993, P.2), actually caused by less effective in its management that is there is a tendency to let the conflict thrive and avoid conflicts. The result appears as the following circumstances:
1. Increasing the number of employee absenteeism and frequent defaulters during the hours of work underway, such as chat for hours while listening to radio plays, pacing to keep busy, sleep for the leadership was not in place, leave early or arrive late for various reasons are not clear.
2. Many employees have complained because of the attitude or behavior of colleagues who felt less equitable in dividing the tasks and responsibilities.
Frequent disputes between employees who can provoke anger, offense that ultimately may affect employment, mental condition and his family.
3. Many employees are sick, it's hard to concentrate in her work, appearing less secure feelings, feeling rejected by friends or boss, do not feel appreciated his work, arising from prolonged stress can cause high blood pressure sore, ulcer or other.
4. Often employees do self-defense mechanism when received a reprimand from the supervisor, such conduct sabotage against the course of production, by destroying the machines or equipment work, held a provocation against co-workers, making the intrigues that harm others.
5. The increasing tendency of employees who are out and it is called labor turn-over. These conditions may hamper the smoothness and stability of the organization as a whole because production can be jammed, loss of potential employees, the time taken only for the selection of activities and provide training and can show extravagance in the cost benefit.

Unresolved conflict can damage the work environment as well as the people in it, therefore, the conflict should receive attention. If not, then a manager will get stuck on things like:
1. Losing a valuable employee and has the technical expertise. They can just resign. Managers must assign them back, and the worst examples is because managers may have to fire them.
2. Withhold or alter information required colleagues are careful to keep straight to reach the achievement.
3. Worse decisions taken by individuals or teams because they are busy focusing on the person, not the problem.
4. The possibility of sabotage of the work or equipment. Often understood as a factor "accidents" or "forgotten". However, to make expenditures which caused innumerable.
5. Sabotage on personal relationships and reputation of the team through gossip and rumor. As soon as people do not focus on the goal of change, but the emotional and personal problems, then their attention will continue to be concentrated there.
6. Lowered morale, spirit, and work motivation. An employee who was upset and felt that something was done wrong to him not long after to poison the entire team. When the spirit is reduced, the manager would be very difficult mengobarkannya back.
7. Problems related to stress. There are all kinds, ranging from a reduced efficiency to skip work habits. (Stevenin, 2000: 131-132).

Strategy Overcome Conflict
According Stevenin (2000, pp.134-135), there are five steps to achieve peace in the conflict. Whatever the source of the problem, the following five steps are fundamental in overcoming the difficulty:
1. Introduction
The gap between existing conditions are identified and how things should be. The only thing that a trap is to detect errors (ignoring the problem or think there is a problem when it actually does not exist).
2. Diagnosis
This is the most important step. The correct method and have tested about who, what, why, where, and how successfully. Focus on major issues and not on trivial things.
3. Agree on a solution
Gather input on the way out that allows the people involved in it. Strain settlement which can not be applied or not practical. Never finish a manner that is not too good. Look for the best.
4. Implementation
Remember that there will always be advantages and disadvantages. Be careful, do not let this consideration too influence the choice and direction of the group.
5. Evaluation
Settlement itself can bear a series of new problems. If the solution seems not work, go back to previous steps and try again.

Stevenin (1993: 139-141) also explained that when in conflict, there are things that should not be done in the midst of conflict, namely:
1. Do not get lost in the struggle for power with others. There is a saying in public that can not be denied, saying: if authority to increase the power goes down, so too should.
2. Do not be too separate from the conflict. The dynamics and outcomes of conflict can best be handled from within, without involving a third party.
3. Do not let the vision developed by the conflict. Keep your perspective by concentrating on important issues. The most urgent problem is not necessarily the biggest opportunity.

According Wijono (1993: 42-125) strategies to resolve conflicts, namely:

1. Strategies to Overcome Conflict In Individual Self (Intraindividual Conflict)
According Wijono (1993: 42-66), to resolve conflicts within the individual is required at least seven strategies are:
1) Creating contacts and build relationships
2) Fostering a sense of trust and acceptance
3) Develop the ability / power of self-
4) Define goals
5) Looking for some alternative
6) Selecting an alternative
7) Plan implementation solution

2. Strategies to Overcome the Conflict Between Personal (Interpersonal Conflict)
According Wijono (1993: 66-112), to resolve conflicts within the individual is required at least three strategies, namely:

1) Lose-Lose Strategy (Lose-Lose Strategy)
Oriented two individuals or groups who are equally lost. Usually an individual or group that fought a compromise (compromise) or pay a group of people involved in the conflict or use the services of a third person or group as a mediator.
In a lose-lose strategy, conflict can be solved by involving third parties when negotiations deadlocked. So the third party be invited to intervene by the parties to the dispute or might act on his own. There are two main types of intervention of third parties, namely:
a. Arbitration (Arbitration)
Arbitration is a procedure where a third party listens to the two disputing parties, third parties act as judge and arbitrator in determining the resolution of conflicts through a binding contract.
b. Mediation (Mediation)
Mediation is used by the mediator to resolve the conflict not as settled by abriator, because a mediator does not have the authority directly to the warring parties and the recommendations are not binding.

2) Win-Lose Strategy (Win-Lose Strategy)
In strategy I win you lose (win / lose strategy), emphasizes the existence of either party which conflict is another defeat but victory.
Some of the methods used to resolve conflicts
with win-lose strategy (Wijono, 1993: 44), can be through:
a. Withdrawal, which is a process of conflict resolution between two or more parties who are not satisfied as a result of task dependency (task independence).
b. Rarefaction tactics and peace, that is by taking action for peace with the opposition to avoid the confrontation of differences and ambiguities in the boundaries of areas of work (jurisdictioanal ambiquity).
c. Persuasion, by persuading others to change their position to consider factual information relevant to the conflict, due to barriers to communication (communication barriers).
d. Tactics of coercion and suppression, namely using formal power by showing the strength (power) through an authoritarian attitude because it is influenced by individual traits (individual traits).
e. Oriented tactics in bargaining and exchange agreements in order to reach a compromise acceptable to both parties, to resolve conflicts related to competition of resources (competition for resources) is optimal for the parties concerned.

3) Win-Win Strategy (Win-Win Strategy)
Resolutions are considered humane, because it uses all the knowledge, attitude and skills of communication and interaction to create relationships that can make the parties involved in each other feel safe from threats, to feel valued, creating a conducive atmosphere and the opportunity to develop their potential to settle conflict. So this strategy to help solve the problem of the parties involved in conflict, not just to discredit people.
Win-win strategy is rarely used in the organization and industry, but there are 2 ways in this strategy which can be used as an alternative to interpersonal conflict resolution, namely:
a. Integrated problem solving (Integrative Solving Problems) efforts to resolve by consensus or integrate the needs of both parties.
b. Consultation process between the parties (the Inter-Party Process Consultation) In the settlement through the consultation process, usually handled by the consulting process, where the two do not have the authority to resolve conflicts with authority or judge
one or both parties to the conflict

3. Strategy Overcome Conflict Organization (Organizational Conflict)
According Wijono (1993, pp.113-125), there are several strategies that can be used to anticipate the occurrence of conflicts among the organization are:

1) bureaucratic approach (Bureaucratic Approach)
Conflicts arise because of the bureaucratic relationship that occurs vertically and to deal with vertical conflict model, managers tend to use a hierarchical structure (hierarchical structure) in relation to the otokritas. Conflicts occur because the leadership seeks to control all activities and actions taken by subordinates. Strategies for problem solving such conflicts is usually used in lieu of bureaucratic regulations for personal control subordinates. Bureaucratic approach (Bureaucratic Approach) in the organization aims to anticipate conflicts vertical (hirarkie) is approached by way of using the hierarchy
structural (hierarchical structural).

2) Intervention Approach authoritative In Conflict Lateral (Lateral Authoritative Intervention in Conflict)
When conflicts occur laterally, usually will be resolved solely by the parties to the conflict. Then if the conflict was not resolved in a constructive way, usually the manager to intervene directly in otoratif both sides.

3) Approach System (System Approach)
Model approach emphasizes negotiations on competition issues and models of bureaucratic approach emphasizes the difficulties in control, then the approach of the system (System Approach) is to coordinate the conflict issues that arise.
This approach emphasizes the lateral and horizontal relationships between marketing functions with the production in an organization.

4) Reorganization of Structural (Structural Reorganization)
How to approach through changing the system to see the possibility of structural reorganization in order to align the different interests and goals to be achieved on both sides, such as forming a new container in non-formal organization to address the protracted conflicts as a result of task interdependence (task interdependence) in achieving the different interests and goals so that the function of the organization become blurred.

---Success People---

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