Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How to Increase Traffic on Blog

Maybe some people will wonder, why the rating of our blog traffic decline continues. There are many things that affect it. Broadly speaking, the blog is luxurious, festive, perhaps crowded with unique widgets are somewhat complicated to install.

But there was also something very important, even vital. That is, there is a more important role in influencing the statistical fluctuation of our blog traffic. True, post articles answer. Because the article is the spirit of a blog to keep it into something that continues to look for in a search in google search engine.

There are several requirements that must be met for a blog visited by many people, both in terms of appearance or also in terms of the articles which we will post to the blog. Here are some things that can affect traffic requests;

1. Design blog as interesting as possible, choose a template that we think are doing interesting and settlement layout as neat as possible. Avoid layout that messy and less unsightly. Because there are also some tasteful open end of the blog because it looks looks beautiful.

2. The contents of the blog should focus on one topic or theme, good looks, his articles, and other accessories should also be appointed in accordance with the theme of your blog, do not there is such a leap - a leap of topics that less connect on what your blog is actually meant.

3. Create your blog seinformatif perhaps, as attractive as possible, and as specific as possible in the discussion that you raise, because the actual level of specific articles that most affect the level of traffic itself. Because, will appear in every word that was "search" in the search on google.

4. It is rather difficult as possible, ie topic discussion periodically update your post. But this will make your blog appear in the main in the search on the internet. And this will make our blogs more popular.

5. We do not need to make a post with super long sentences and super complicated. Also no need to with words - words that are too high scientific quality. Because it is enough to make the reader dizzy and lazy to find meaning in the dictionary. Enough with the language that is easy, normal and communicative. In order to direct the reader to know what we're talking about.

6. The title is interesting also not be forgotten. But also do not create a title that is too excessive, so out of the content available from your post.

7. In an article, so consider the quality and quantity of the article itself. The quality of the writing of words and to note, also the quantity of the contents of discussion are updated and easy to understand.

8. Create a schedule of regular management of your blog. Most people will be willing to routine air hours managing his blog if in a state that is interesting, but later when the mood is lost, will leave the blog dormant and even worse if the visitors would be left vague. It required a pretty healthy schedule, to avoid boredom us.

9. Oh yes, try to frequent another blog comment, this is the easiest way for our blog is known by other visitors. Because almost 100 percent each will give a comment, you are required to write your name and your web page. This method is also quite effective in increasing the page rank, because if we dofollow blog comment, so automatically we will get a backlink.

10. Do submit new articles to social sites, this method is effective enough to bring thousands of visitors. Do submit articles to social sites like lintasberita.com boomark, sinergibisnis.com, infogaul.com, digg.com, twitter.com, facebook.com etc.. Here's how automatic in socialmarker.com;

1. Log into the site socialmarker.com

2. In the column "title", content with the title page, an example; How to increase traffic blog visitors the most steady.

3. In the column "link (URL)", fill in your URL, eg = (http://www.otakotakcampur.com)

4. In the text field contents with the description. Briefly, as in lintasberita

5. In the column tags, content with the tag or keyword.

6. Later there is an inscription "select the social bookmarking sites You Want to submit to", select the social bookmarking site who want to go. Click "all" if you want to submit to all social bookmarking site, click the "dofollow" to submit to a dofollow social bookmarking site.

7. Click 'submit', finished the submission process.

That was some way that to some extent affect the traffic of visitors on the blog. Maybe it could be tried, and immediately see the changes. Good luck ...

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